Sunday, May 10, 2009

Google Voice Overview

VentureBeat have a review of Google Voice, a new application that could bring free calls on mobile phones to the masses. The most interesting part about the application is that it has the ability to transcribe your voice messages in to text! No doubt this will have privacy implications, but it is a very interesting development nonetheless:

"The transcription is the best new feature. It transcribes every voice message into text and lists them on a page where you can read them all. The Google Voice dashboard page is integrated with your other Google apps and is accessible through your Gmail account, just like your other apps. You can choose a whole range of options in your settings: You can have the voice messages forwarded to your phone in the form of an SMS, so that you have everything on your mobile phone — you can click to listen to the original message or see the message transcribed. You can choose what exact hours a particular person can reach you at, say, your home number, and what hours they’re transferred to your cell, or directed immediately to voice mail."

Read more on it here.

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